Ever since the United States Congress passed and President Obama signed the so-called "Dark Act" (S.B. 764) that essentially prevents any …
Will Oil Pulling Save Your Teeth?
Oil pulling is a 3,000-year-old ancient Ayurvedic oral hygiene practice that involves swishing or holding oils from plants and other natural …
How The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Scientific Research And Why It’s Time To End The U.S. Sugar Industry Subsidy Program.
In the 1960s, according to the JAMA Internal Medicine, the Sugar Industry became aware of possible links of sugar to coronary heart disease …
What Does The World Know That America Doesn’t Know When It Comes to Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) in our Food Supply?
Since President Obama signed legislation dubbed the Deny Americans the Right to Know, or the "DARK Act" (U.S. Senate Bill 764), our right as …
How Legislation That Is Opposed By 9 out of 10 Americans Becomes the Law in our Country.
Here’s how it works. Here is presidential candidate Barrack Obama promising, in 2007, that he would implement labeling on genetically …