Good Ole Holiday Eating Advice
It’s that time of year where joyful eating and holiday weight gain is on most people’s minds. Let me say from the outset that this blog will not break any new ground or provide any cutting edge information on this annual topic. Instead, here are some reminders to help you navigate holiday cheer and hopefully, help you balance enjoying holiday foods and avoiding excess weight gain. Dietician Prudence Athearn Levy, provides some good basic tips in her recent article last month about the “Holiday Food Coma”. See Here is a bullet point summary of her key tips: 1) don’t skip meals, especially breakfast, 2) maintain your regular workout routine, and try to increase it 3) approach the holiday table with a plan, 4) portion your plate and have a heavy portion for vegetables, 5) pre-plan meals and snacks and 6) watch the drinks.
In an interesting study published recently by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, researchers conducted multiple experiments looking at how people make food choices when picking for both themselves and another person. Their conclusion: you might be choosing calorie-rich, unhealthy foods for yourself in order not to hurt the feelings of others. I know this feeling since I am a long time vegan and I am constantly puzzling my family members and others during the holidays with my meal choices. I understand first hand how peer pressure works in these situations. For more insight as to whether this may apply to you, see
Finally, there is one thing you can do to increase your metabolism during the holidays and burn off some unwanted calories: lifting weights. You don’t have to necessarily go to the gym to do weight training exercises. For a good summary of the positive benefits of weight training for metabolism and some easy steps, see
Enjoy your holidays!!!
Kirk Schroder / Food Advocate /